Check it out!


Baking Baby

Don't mind the pose or my face. 

I'm sorry, I was soo excited and I tweeted that I got it but I haven't actually let you know here. Buut I GOT IT yaaay!
So the call woke me up on Wednesday (it was like 10-11 am). They told me, they had to pick just one person and they've chosen me. I mean between me and Pixie. I was super excited that I got the job, though it kind of got me down that I won't be working with P as I was really looking forward to it. But if it had to be just one person, I'm glad I got it (sorry, Pix <3). So I was wide awake in a moment and as I hung up I ran out of my room and started shouting "I got the joooob! I gooot the joooob!" and doing crazy winner dance.
Hahah yeah, so they told me to be there today, so thursday. Today was my again kind of trial day as I was there just for 4h (which was exhausting, but OK, I'm not complaining!).
So I helped today to bake brownies, cut the cake, I kneaded dough, used cashier machine and... brewed coffee. The last was the hardest for me, I guess. Which cup, which button, foaming milk and so on... But I'll get to the point where it would be nothing for me! :) I hope?
Anyways it was a really good day, I guess. Maybe presence of Pixie was making that happen as she was there for I believe most of the time I've spent there, eating brownies, drinking coffee, reading a magazine and being a lovely friend :)
So thank you all if you had crossed your fingers for me, 'cause this is seriously great. I can't imagine a better first job.
Oh, and if you want to pay a visit and try one of the amazing bakings there are in Qki, it is really near the Natolin metro station.
And let me know if you want reviews on what can you get there. Yes, I AM going to try them all. And I can tell you all :)


Is this for real?

As you may have read on my other blog I MAY BE GETTING A JOB AT BAKERY!
How super exciting is that?! 
Let's start at the beginning. I was out with Pixie and we decided to go to this little bakery not far from us that we've never actually been to, but we wanted to check out. It's called Qki haha 

We sat down ate a delicious apple pie with meringue on. That's the pie :)

And I came across a thought that maybe they need an assistant? Why not ask? So I did. So the guy told me that they actually do and to bring my CV the next day :) With a smile on my face I walked out and ran home to prepare a decent CV for this job. 
So as we were told we came back the next day, handed our CV to a nice lady in an apron and heard a question "Do you maybe have time to sit and talk about the job now?". Shocked we nodded our heads and took places. After the talk I seriously felt like screaming. I had a huge banana smile on my face and I thought OMG, is this really happening? Pixie was too hangover to share the joy, but she was pretty excited as well :)
Also, one important detail, we were asked to come the next day to BAKE something we do best. We were to come and prepare it there, so that they'd try and pretty much help around a bit, see how the things are done there and that kind of stuff. 
Of course, first thought: WHAT WILL I BAKE? Duuh, cupcakes. But which one? I though brownie, they are delicious. So I hurried home (AGAIN.) to try to do them at home once again, so that they I'd do them prefectly. But as I got home I spoke on the phone with one of my besties, Melanie. She said, "Hey, maybe you can do those peanut butter jelly cupcakes?". And there it was. I was like "OMG. You're totally right! They'll be perfect! I LOVE YOU!". So that's what I did.
And so yesterday I went there really and I mean REALLY panicked. My stomach hurt from nerves! But as I got there and started baking everything was all right. Then they tried it. And THEY LIKED IT, they really liked it! I was sooo proud, you cannot believe! This was an amazing feeling! Later people could actually BUY my cupcakes there. WOAH, that's BIG. 
They told us that they'll contact us after the weekend and we'll see what will come out of it. 
I really hope I'll get to help them there. I mean, just today, I was there just a couple of hours, but it was amazing to do my cupcakes, then to help with a cheesecake, meringue (actually the one to cover this pie I've ate there). And I've learned a bit :) I know this job would be like just a couple of hours in a week, but that's a good start. I'm on it! And.... I hope I'll get it!
Anyways, thanks for reading 'cause I believe that was just me excited about a job that I MIGHT get and you so didn't have to do that. I just wanted to share this with you. Thank you!
Oh, and here are the cupcakes, I had to take a photo and show you!

The whole place looks really cute. It is in pink,black and white colors and has some really cute "drawings" on the walls :) 



Oreo Cupcakes episode 2

There, I finally got to post the pictures. Why did it take me so long? No idea. Maybe 'cause I sometimes feel like I'm just writing those posts for myself.
There are the pics of the adorable cupcakes with oreo frosting and oreo butt :)

So that's that. I think they are super delicious and really fun! Let me know what you think and VISIT TOMORROW, 'cause I have a huge thing to tell you!